
  • Download Xilero Client
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 12:21

    Note: Gravity had closed the kRO Sakray server, you will no longer be able to patch your Sakray client. The Renewal server is now the new Sakray server.

    This means you will need to download the latest ready-to-play RO folder below. You should follow the instruction below and don't forget to run the Ragnarok and Renewal rsu patchers (as replacement to the original patchers Ragnarok.exe and RagnarokRE.exe) to patch your client to the latest.With this change, we no longer serve the installation EXE anymore. We now provide a download of the RO folder which is the result of a full installation and it is patched up to the date of release. Please remember to follow the instruction given by your server, if the server specifically tell you to get Sakray then please scroll down to download Sakray 0325 (and the BGM & DLL packages). There are servers that are using the old Sakray client exe and might not work with the new Ragnarok/Renewal grf. NameDownload LinksSource kRO Client Folder(If any file is corrupted or link dead please contact us or report it in our forum, thanks)Usage Instruction:.


    These downloads contain content of a ready to play RO folder. There is no installation needed. 1) Download all 8 files: data.grf parts 1-5 (or the full data.grf in one file if available), the BGM pack, rdata.grf.rar and the dll pack which also contain the RSU patchers. 2) After you got all the files, put them in one folder and extract all the.rar files (normally at C:Program FilesGravityRO).

    They should all be at the same level, see for example. When extracting the dll package, if you get errors, try extracting it with. 3) Run the two RSU Patchers in the RO folder ( rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe and rsu-kro-renewal-lite.exe by ) to patch your kRO and kRO Renewal data.

    You will need to run these two patchers regularly to keep your client files up to date. Especially when you get sprite erorr or crashes during game-play.

    Xilero Client Download

    4) Now you can install the client from the server you are going to play and then start playing. Never Installed RO: If your computer have never had a copy of any version of RO installed, you will likely missing some registry entries such as the default width and height of the game window.

    If this apply to you, please try the solutions outlined. File Repair: a 2%4% recovery record is included in each of the part 1-5 data.grf rar. If any part of your file run into error during extraction, you can try to repair it by double clicking the erroring rar - Tools - Repair Archive. The resulting file will be prefixed with 'fixed', you should rename it to redo the extraction process. All files are the same in the following mirrors below, you can download different parts from different mirrors to minimize the delay from each sites.DepositFile file folder, all 8 files.DepositFile4Shared file folder, all 8 files.4SharedMega file folder, 8 files.MegaFileFactory - DO NOT download any EXE file from this host.FileFactoryHitfile file folder, all 8 files.HitfileLinks for data.grf in one file(this is the same as the part files put together) DepositFiles: 4Shared: Mega: FileFactory: Various.

    I would like to recommend isieo's site to get the latest openkore svn version. When you enter this site please scroll down and download openkoreready.zip file. This openkoreready.zip contains everything that you need to start bot ragnarok online. Here the link:-Instructions:-1) Extract openkoreready.zip and you should get this:-openkoreready-control-tables-fields-logs-src2) Download bot config from bot config download link and extract it. For example download cyfar bot. Extract cyfar.zip and u will get control folder.3) Remove control folder in openkoreready and replace with control folder from step 2. Now you are ready to bot when u finished step 3.4) Open openkoreready folder and double click start.exe5) It will ask you to select your server and then fill in your user and password.

    Make sure to select the correct server or your bot wont work.6) If everything correct walla your bot should running fine now. Happy Botting!!Important note:Please make sure you save on the right kafra before you start the bot. It has stated where to save on every bot config page.

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